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Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy In Boca Raton FL

mardi 10 juin 2014

By Lila Bryant

There is a new treatment option for hormone replacement that is generating a lot of attention in the media. It is available to both women and men and has been highlighted on several television programs by people who have tried it and are convinced of its effectiveness. You can access this treatment by visiting any of the many doctors offering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Boca Raton, FL.

The concept behind this treatment is to create the identical conditions that a body would make in a woman in her prime child bearing years using ingredients that are holistic or natural rather than chemical. Previously hormonal imbalances were treated by prescribing chemical reproductions that in the end proved to be very harmful to the women who were taking them. The side effects of cancer, brittle bones and dementia, among other issues caused women to stop using them in droves.

This method of hormonal treatment can be made to conform to individual patients needs. The doctors perform an analysis of their patients current hormonal levels and then prescribe the appropriate dosage to be taken. The treatment is made mostly from wild yams and soy beans and is reputed to balance each person's needs individually. There are four different ways the medication can be taken.

There are several doctors in Boca Raton, FL that offer this type of treatment. They can be found with a quick search of the internet and their home pages can answer all of your questions about what to expect. With most menopausal women complaining about the mood swings and excessive heat their bodies generate during the night and day the home pages will offer hope for a resolution to these and many other issues.

With so many symptoms associated with menopause many people find the effects to be nearly debilitating. Thyroid hormonal shortages can lead to weight gain, hair loss and dry itchy skin while other symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats and severe mood swings in most women. The process of creating a product that is identical to the hormones made by the body is believed to eliminate virtually all symptoms endured by users.

Your doctor will give you a complete examination and do a saliva analysis to determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment. There will also be a questionnaire to fill out regarding when you entered menopause and your current age and health conditions. All of this information will be used to determine the level of dosage needed to return you to normal hormonal levels.

In men testosterone levels decrease as they age. They suffer from moodiness, weight gain, loss of libido and many other issues associated with middle age. These symptoms can also be treated with these hormonal treatments combined with testosterone therapy. The problems show up later and at a slower pace than female menopause and take a longer period of time to become obvious to others.

Hormonal therapies are widely available and they can offer people relief from the maddening symptoms that come with middle age and menopause without the health risks that have previously been associated with them. Using natural ingredients can bring the best results to people who wish to see immediate and drastic improvements in the symptoms they are enduring.

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