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Depression & The Benefits Of Olive Oil

dimanche 22 février 2015

By Paula Hess

To say that olive oil poses various benefits, in relation to health, would be nothing short of an understatement. Keep in mind that many individuals turn to this product for the sake of greater health benefits, antioxidants included amongst them. As you can imagine, then, the physical benefits are strong. Does this mean that emotional benefits are to be cleared from the table entirely? If you didn't know, this oil stands the chance of reducing depression.

When it comes to the sources of depression, there are many points to draw attention to. One can make the argument that depression is a genetic condition, as it can be passed down from one generation to the next without fail. However, depression can also come about through events in an individual's life. Such events as the loss of a job or severing of a relationship can lead to these negative feelings, meaning that solutions are that much more desirable.

The Olive Oil Times put up a study that seemed to correlate depression to cardiovascular conditions, at least in certain regards. The University of Navarra and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria conducted a study that gathered various subjects, each of the examined for a period of 6 years. At the end, it seemed as though the subjects who took in olive oil and polyunsaturated fats, in general, were at less risk of suffering from depression. This is a strong point of discussion that authorities such as Unaprol cannot deny.

You may wonder why, exactly, products like these can be linked to the reduction of depression. It's important to note that depression, for quite some time, has been medically linked to serotonin, or lack thereof. While solutions such as Zoloft have been prescribed, for this purpose, certain foods with fatty acids can prove to be helpful in their own right. In addition to olive oil, fish and nuts can provide said fatty acids along with other essential nutrients.

When it comes to the ways one can become healthy, it's clear that some solutions are better than others. However, as you can see, they deserve to be recognized for the purpose of stronger health in the long term. It's easy to pinpoint the healthiest foods that can bolster your life, whether they include "good fats" or not. In any event, if you're going to want to sustain the best life possible, it's these types of fats that should not go overlooked.

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