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Find Out The Best Hangover Remedy For Your Body

dimanche 15 février 2015

By Beryl Dalton

How you spend your leisure time may determine how weak or strong you could be to facing the starting week. While some people would spend their leisure time with their family members enjoying recreational activities, majority of people spend time drinking alcoholic drinks. For those who do know more about the alcoholic drinks, they can cause nasty hangovers and dizziness that you do not like. When this happens, you need to know the hangover remedy to apply to feel better.

You are bound to experience hangovers if you do not take the time to make sure that your body is prepared to handle the incoming alcohol intake. You must make sure that you eat well before going out to drink. Once there, you also need to make sure that you alternate your drinks with water. Water helps to make sure that the alcohol does not completely overrun your body.

The foods that you eat need to be fatty so as to reduce the rate of alcohol absorption by your body. This is the reason why you find most people feeding on fried foods whenever they go out drinking. These tend to have a lot of fats that help in making sure that your body does not absorb the alcohol all at once.

Once you get to the party, you need to take your drinks in a certain manner if you do not want to experience nasty hangovers thereafter. Spacing the drinks is one of the things you need to do. This means that you should not take the next glass of alcohol immediately you are through with the other one. In fact, the best way to do this is having non-alcoholic drinks between the alcoholic drinks.

Hangovers are also caused by excessive consumption of drinks that have a high percentage of alcohol content. Every beer that has been well manufactured has the quantity of alcohol content indicated on it. To avoid these feeling that can hinder you from working effectively the following day, choose a beer that has the lowest alcohol content. You can avoid spirits or black wines whose alcohol content is highly concentrated.

Another important drink to take in the morning is that which contains substances, which covert the alcohol compounds in to acid. These can be energy drinks which help your body eliminate the alcohol content still in the body. The broken down components are then absorbed into the blood system in a different form thus reducing the hangovers.

You may also consider tasting your bread in the morning. This ensures that carbon particles form on the surface of the bread and as such they help to make sure that some of the impurities of alcohol in your body are filtered away by the carbon particles. This is something that is very easy to do and one that helps make sure that you are back to form in no time.

Last and not the least, you can take soups such as the bouillon soup that is effective in restoring potassium and other salts in the body. Potassium is very vital in the functioning of your muscle and nervous systems. The soup replaces potassium since you lose a lot of potassium after taking alcohol due to frequent urination.

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