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Help Alleviate Vitamin D Deficiency With Vitamin D3 Quality Supplements

mardi 7 juillet 2015

By Guy Lobdell

Vitamin D3 deficiency has been found to be very common in the USA, and this is a major cause for concern. If your bones are painful, you are over 50, or you often get colds and flu, the chances are good that you are one of the many who lack this vitamin. Taking Vitamin D3 together with regular probiotic supplements can help you experience improved health and wellbeing.

Often foods are fortified with Vitamin D, but unless this is specifically stated to be Vitamin D3 this will not help. Vitamin D2 is not used by your body in the same way as D3 and may even harm your health. Be very careful about your supplements, and only buy good quality Vitamin D3 for optimum results.

Although Vitamin D3 is manufactured in your body, this only happens if the sun is over 50 degrees in the sky so the UVB can penetrate These conditions do not occur in winter in many parts of the world, including Canada and Large parts of the USA. Sunblocking creams also prevent this natural process from taking place.

Vitamin D3 deficiency explains why people are more prone to colds and flu in winter, especially in the higher latitudes. Along with SAD, a lowered immune system is one of the immediately noticeable symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency. Longer term symptoms such as osteoporosis or cancer are less obvious, but potentially much more deadly.

In fact, an ongoing deficiency in this important vitamin can also cause cardiovascular problems, as well as autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, and many others. With many of these diseases becoming increasingly rampant, the link to a simple Vitamin D3 deficiency is clear. You owe it to yourself to avoid these problems.

Vitamin D3 may be the single most important vitamin you need to supplement. Taking probiotics at the same time helps keep your gut healthy. You will be amazed at how much better you will feel if you assist Nature by including these 2 items in your nutritional program.

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