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Stuart Millheiser: Can ALS Risk Be Lowered?

mardi 28 juillet 2015

By Michael Robert Peterson

Stuart Millheiser - in addition to many others - have been understandably focused on ALS in general. After all, this condition is one of the most serious in the world and its impact cannot be ignored. One has to wonder how this condition can be lessened, in terms of its risk. From what I have seen, there are possible options to look to. However, before going into detail about these strategies, there is more information to be covered about this ailment as well.

What you should know about ALS, at the onset, is that anyone is at risk of developing it. Stuart Millheiser, as well as other individuals, can tell you that there is no set age, gender, or background that plays into the likelihood of this illness being seen. It's heavily for this reason, at least from my point of view, that this condition is so unfortunate. If you want to talk about ways to reduce the risk of said illness developing, though, potential options exist.

You should know that ALS stands the chance of being minimized in certain ways, exercise being just one example. For those who do not know, Stu Millheiser can tell you that this illness is oftentimes associated with the deterioration of muscle tissues, which hinders even the most basic movement that a human being can take part in. Exercise can be done, as a way to counteract the risk in question. It doesn't matter what kind of activity you take part in, or the intensity associated with it.

The level of risk in question can be reduced even further by altering your diet for the better. Maybe you're not the kind of person who constantly enjoys fruits and vegetables, which is something you should change. After all, they contain a litany of antioxidants, vitamin C being one of the most prominent. When you're able to bring these minerals into the fold, it's easy to imagine that you will worry less about the development of ALS, as it relates to your well being.

Ultimately, it's difficult to predict when ALS can develop, which is partially why it remains such a serious medical issue. Even though there may be nothing solid, in terms of scientific know-how, it can be reasonably argued that taking care of yourself can help matters. This can be done with different strategies ranging from diet to exercise. Take care of yourself and it'll go without saying that your quality of life will become stronger.

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