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Safety In Taking Bioprotectant Supplement For Stress Relief

jeudi 20 août 2015

By Nancy Gardner

Supplements should be taken as a last resort when attempting to manage anxiety and depression. This is something which should be clear both to the doctors and patients. The reason is that taking of supplements only masks the cause of stress and therefore the situation is likely to get worse over time. If one has to use bioprotectant supplement for stress relief, caution should be exercised just like if it was an ordinary medication been taken and health care professionals have to be consulted.

Stress is best handled by identification and treatment of the underlying cause. You may be surprised to find out that a slight change in the lifestyle is all you need to keep depression at bay. Other things which may tried in relieving depression include yoga, meditation, tai chi, controlled breathing and exercise. Depression is not something that can be biopsied like other forms of diseases in its diagnosis. Its existence is in the dominions of the human mind. That is why it is important to be very mindful when selecting the tools to use in managing it.

The supplements that are available in market are of varying quality and their contents are not the same. That is why the help of an expert in the field or a practitioner in integrative medicine is needed. Do not forget that most of these products have sedative effects and therefore should not be taken alongside other sedative medications or alcohol.

For one to sleep, the muscles should be relaxed completely. That is why some these supplements just contain elements which provide the muscles with the necessary nutrients to get to a relaxed state. The elements included are magnesium, B-complex vitamins, vitamin C and the fatty acids made in the human body.

Sleep comes as one gets tired gradually. Melatonin is a hormone produced in the body when one is in a dark place. A number of factors influence its production including changing time zones, daytime sleeping and age. In the event of the above mentioned factors, one can take a supplement to increase melatonin levels in the short-run.

Herbal tea made from passionflower, skullcap, hops, valerian and chamomile is very effective in depression reduction too. They promote effective sleep. American and Korean Ginseng have been commended on their reduction of the levels of the stress hormone in the body. This can follow immediately after a stressful event happens or during prolonged stress periods. Its effectiveness is directly proportional to the amount of time it is used.

Lemon balm is from mint family. It is good at inducing a tranquil feeling and improving the mood. It is however required in considerable amounts for it to be effective and also has to be taken at least three times in a day. Its safety has been confirmed through research.

Passionflower is a bioprotectant supplement which should be taken by people having anxiety attacks. About 45 drops are needed daily. It works the same as diazepam in relieving stress. However, more research should be done on its effectiveness and safety as the available data is on laboratory tests.

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