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How A Winnipeg Chiropractor Safely Relieves Disc Pain

mardi 3 janvier 2017

By John Bolton

A herniated, ruptured, or slipped disc indicates an existing problem with one of the spongy areas located between two vertebrae of the spinal column. A herniation of this type is often the result of the natural progression of age. Other factors, such as excessive body weight, a job that has high physical demands, and genetics, can increase the likelihood that one may develop an issue. A Winnipeg chiropractor has techniques that can safely provide relief.

What steps can a Winnipeg chiropractor take to give their patients natural relief for a herniated disc?

During the initial appointment, a patient's medical history will be reviewed and both neurological and orthopedic tests may be conducted along with a thorough physical exam. Part of this involves checking whether one's reflexes are intact. This helps the doctor determine if a individual's nerves are functioning correctly. They also check to ascertain if any signs of muscle wasting, strength deficiency, or loss of sensation is present.

X-rays and MRIs may be ordered to help check one's posture issues. A careful and complete evaluation of the spine is conducted. Often, the source of one's pain is merely lower back strain. The neck is also checked for any possible obstructions.

Only a doctor can determine if the issue is a vertebral disc injury or not. Unfortunately, some people are experiencing circumstances which are not best attended through chiropractic means. Anyone who shows signs of a neurological condition in an advanced state, or who has a loss of strength, sensation, or reflexes, will receive a referral to see a spinal surgeon.

A patient's personal plan of action is likely to include a form of spinal manipulation, known as an adjustment. Therapeutic exercises might be prescribed, as well as other manual therapies. In some cases, flexion-distraction, a technique that utilizes a special table to gently stretch one's spine while the doctor flexes the skeletal frame in a pumping rhythm.

A Winnipeg chiropractor will create a specialized plan of action to relieve your herniated disc. If your symptoms don't improve, you may be referred to another physician or to a spine surgeon.

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