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Learn More About Macular Degeneration Tablets

samedi 1 avril 2017

By Kimberly Green

Basically, macular degeneration is one of the leading cause for vision loss even more than cataracts and the glaucoma. This condition usually arises when the central portion of your retina deteriorates. The central portion of the retina which is also referred as the macula is usually the one responsible for focusing the central vision in your eye. However, you can control the deterioration through macular degeneration tablets.

The macular enables one to drive, read, and see things clearly and also to identify faces or colors. In comparison to a camera, the macula is the most crucial region of the film which is centrally placed. If at all it is working as intended, the detailed images are assembled at the field center and then transmitted to the optic nerve in the brain, where they are relayed as sight.

Damage of the cells in the macula leads to a distorted reception of images. During the early stages of this condition, your vision is not affected at all. Nevertheless, once the disease advances, one tends to experience blurry vision and in extreme cases of the condition worsening, the central vision may be entirely lost.As the condition is at the peak, the individuals are taken to be legally blind. In as much as their retina still functions, the damage on the central vision makes them have a peripheral vision as compared to the central vision that enhances clarity.

The age-related macular degeneration or AMD usually develops through three stages. The first stage is the early AMD, where most people do not detect any vision loss. Because of this, regular eye checkups are necessary. This early AMD is usually diagnosed when a medium sized drusen which are yellow deposits below the retina.

The second stage is known as the intermediate AMD. In this stage, an individual tends to experience some type of vision loss regardless of no identifiable symptoms. Nevertheless, a thorough exam with certain tests can confirm pigment changes or evidence of larger drusen in the retina. Thereafter, the condition progresses to the late AMD stage where vision loss is now noticed.

Generally, the specific causes of this condition have not been conclusively known. However, what is known concerning this condition is that its causes are complex, and are both environmental and heredity. On the other hand, scientist are trying to understand the cause of the macula cells to deteriorate in order to look for a treatment solution.

Usually, the greatest risk factor for the macular degeneration is age. This risk increases as you advance in age. This condition is most likely in people of 55 years of age or older. Other risk factors are such as genetics in which case, people with a family history of the AMD are at a higher risk. Also, smoking is also another risk factor where the smokers increase the chances of getting the disease twice.

Currently, the cure for the macular degeneration is not known. However, there are several things a patient who have been diagnosed with this condition can do to slow down the rate of progression, or to reduce the risk of getting this disease. For instance, lifestyle changes such as dieting, avoiding smoking, and exercise can help, as well as protecting your eyes from the UV light.

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