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Various Foods Considered As Natural Testosterone Boosters For Women

dimanche 9 septembre 2018

By David Hayes

Females still require male hormones. Those who are in the menopausal stage or have medical conditions that can cause hormonal imbalance are the ones that can benefit the most from them. While therapies for females intended for reinstating hormone balance are around, they are notorious for causing unfavorable side effects. It's a good thing that certain foods work as natural testosterone boosters for women. If you like to know some of those that you should regularly consume, read on.

Oily types of fish. Fish such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, halibut and trout are regarded as oily because of the omega 3 fatty acids in them. These healthy fats are known to encourage proper levels of hormones in the body. Oily types of fish are also loaded with vitamin D which is scientifically proven to help increase the amount of male hormones. By the way, vitamin D is capable of dealing with mood swings and depression that hormonal imbalance tends to bring.

Nuts and seeds. You may also obtain good amounts of those hormone balancing omega 3 fatty acids from nuts and seeds. Daily, nutrition experts say that you may consume a handful of nuts to ensure that your body is getting enough omega 3 fatty acids. You may sprinkle all kinds of seeds on healthy treats such as oats and yogurt.

Meat like beef, pork and poultry. Medical experts confirm that protein is important for the production of more male hormones. It's due to this why protein rich foods like beef, pork and poultry should be included in the diet of a woman regularly. However, it is recommended for females to consume only organic meat products because the presence of unwanted chemicals in non organic varieties can actually contribute to hormonal imbalance.

Low fat milk. Drinking low fat milk regularly can also help restore normal hormone balance as it's an excellent source of high quality protein. When shopping for milk, females are recommended to go for something that is fortified with vitamin D to fend off hormonal imbalance effectively.

Legumes such as beans and peas. If you are a vegetarian, worry not because you may obtain high quality protein from a number of plant based foods. Beans, peas and other legumes are some of the top choices. Aside from fiber, they also yield good amounts of fiber. The addition of fiber rich foods to the diet, according to health authorities, can actually help keep normal balance of hormones in the body.

Egg yolks. Although many prefer egg white as it has zero cholesterol and tons of protein, doctors say that the yolk is actually better. Women who are suffering from hormonal imbalance are the ones who can benefit tremendously from the consumption of egg yolks as they're loaded with vitamin D. Feel free to consume one yolk daily provided that your doctor said it's safe for you to do so.

Shellfish like crabs, shrimps and oysters. Nutrition experts confirm that zinc found abundantly in shellfish is especially beneficial for women. Aside from strengthening the immune system, the mineral is also known to promote good hormone balance. By the way, shellfish are good sources of omega 3 fatty acids and protein, too.

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